Xmas 2024
NZBC were thrilled to host their Christmas event at the newly refurbished Auckland Business Chamber venue. It provided the ideal backdrop to celebrate the end of the year with more than 40 members attending.
Lee Marshall from Hunter Campbell presented invaluable insights from the Mood of the CFO 2024 report, and the team were available throughout the evening for discussions with our members.
The event also allowed us to honour a select few outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions and some who continue to do so, to the industry. These special recognitions included Peter Gwatkin for his service to the industry across 30 years, and Janet Donovan for her 10 years of Chairing and membership in our Technical Advisory Group (TAG).
A big thank you to Hunter Campbell for their presentation and support of the evening.
Download Presentation Files:
Market Insights and Mood of CFO: Download Presentation