Our Commitment To Kiwi Kids

We are committed to ensuring Kiwi kids grow up fit, healthy and strong.
We are committed to ensuring Kiwi kids grow up fit, healthy and strong.
To achieve this our members have committed to a number of undertakings aimed at making a meaningful contribution to reducing childhood obesity rates.
NZBC members have committed that they will only sell bottled water directly to primary and intermediate schools and that they will not sell sugar-sweetened carbonated soft drinks to secondary schools.
Read the New Zealand Beverage Council Health Wellbeing Update here.
Our members have also committed to abide by the voluntary Children’s Advertising Code, the The Food and Beverage Advertising Code.
Our Members will not advertise any beverage in media that directly targets children under 16, or where 25% or more of the expected audience will be children under 16.
You can read more about our members commitment to responsible advertising here.
Reviewed/updated 22 July 2024